2015 LQHBA Yearling Sale

Statistical Summary Highest Prices
Leading Buyers Leading Consignors and Agents
Leading Sires of Yearlings Hip by Hip Results
Highest Prices - Day 1 --- (8/7/2015)
Highest Prices - Day 2 --- (8/8/2015)
Highest Prices - Cumlative

Highest Prices by Day
By Value
$85,000 HIP #94 - DASHIN FOR DREAMS , F , 1, by Heza Fast Dash -- Vision Of Dash, by Dash For Cash (Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent ), (TM Ranch ), 8/7/2015
$68,000 HIP #63 - SAN LORENZO CORONA , C , 1, by Coronas Leaving You -- In The Open, by Mr Eye Opener (Montgomery Equine Center ), (Rogelio Marquez Jr ), 8/7/2015
$65,000 HIP #541 - LEAVING SEASIDE , C , 1, by Coronas Leaving You -- Seaside, by First Down Dash (Grant Farms ), (Scott & Monica Jones & Raymond Loup & Stuart Leger ), 8/7/2015
$65,000 HIP #102 - NO POLITICS HERE , C , 1, by Jess Louisiana Blue -- In His Dreams, by Apollo (Jumonville Farms ), (TM Ranch ), 8/7/2015
$55,000 HIP #89 - MS LEAVING YOU , F , 1, by Coronas Leaving You -- Ms Pilot Point, by Splash Bac (Grant Farms ), (McGehee Horse & Cattle ), 8/7/2015
$55,000 HIP #53 - RUTHIAN , G , 1, by Game Patriot -- JJ Streakin Illusion, by Streakin La Jolla (Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Jo Baya Foreman ), (TM Ranch ), 8/7/2015
$50,000 HIP #107 - ROGUE TO RICHES , F , 1, by Oak Tree Special -- Miss Jess Rogue, by Mr Jess Perry (Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Triple M Farms, LLC ), (Lester Colomb/John Price ), 8/7/2015
$47,000 HIP #535 - EL NILO , C , 1, by Oak Tree Special -- La Jolla Rocket, by Streakin La Jolla (Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Jorge Haddad ), (KA Norris & Peters Racing ), 8/7/2015
$45,000 HIP #162 - STRUTTIN SALLYE , F , 1, by Struttin To Beduino -- Streakin Sallye, by Raise A Rascal (Hebert Quarter Horses, Agent ), (Greg Cullum ), 8/7/2015
$43,000 HIP #592 - ROYAL QUICK PATRIOT , C , 1, by Jet Black Patriot -- Holy Buckets, by Royal Quick Dash (Run Bayou Ranch, LLC ), (Douglas Traylor ), 8/7/2015